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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الامبراطور الفارس
الامبراطور الفارس

عدد الرسائل : 44
العمر : 29
الموقع : www.the-emperor.yoo7.com
الاوسمة : تابع 1187177599
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/03/2008

تابع Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تابع   تابع I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 18, 2008 4:37 pm

عناوين الحلقات:

1) I am Luffy! A guy who will become king of pirates
2) The appearance of the master of swords! Pirate Hunter, Zoro Roronoa
3) Morgan vs. Luffy! Who's that mysterious cute girl
4) Luffy's past! The appearance of Shanks the Redhead
5) Fearsome! A mysterious force: Captain Buggy, a Clown Pirate
6) A crisis! Mohji the monster-tamer vs. Luffy
7) Amazing duel! Swordsman Zorro vs. Acrobat Kabaji
Cool Which is the winner? Contest of Devil Fruit Abilities
9) A liar of justice? Captain Usopp
10) The strongest weirdo ever! Jango the hypnotist
11) Reveal the Conspiracy! Pirate Butler Captain Kuro
12) Collision! The great defense against the Kuroneko Pirate Fleet on the hill
13) The fearsome duo! Nyaban brothers vs Zoro
14) Luffy revived! Little lady Kaya's desperate refusal
15) Defeat Kuro! The teary determination of Usopp the man
16) Defend Kaya! The great work of the Usopp Pirate Fleet
17) Explosion of anger! The ending of the battle betewen Kuro and Luffy
18) You are the weird animal! Gaimon and his strange friends
19) The past of the three-blade style! Zoro and Kuina's oath
20) Famous cook! Sanji aboard the restaurant on the seas
21) An unwanted guest! Sanji's food and Gin's gratitude
22) The strongest pirate armada! Commander Don Krieg
23) Protect the Baratie! The big pirate, Red-Footed Zeff
24) The Hawk-eyed Mihawk! Swordsman Zoro falls to the seas
25) The kick combos explode! Sanji vs Steelwall Pearl
26) Zeff and Sanji's Dream: the illusionary All Blue
27) Cold, merciless demon: Pirate armada captain Gin
28) I won't die! Ferocious battle - Luffy vs Krieg
29) The end to the deathmatch! The one spear stuck in the gut
30) Departure! The cook of the seas goes together with Luffy
31) The worst man in the east seas! Merman pirate Arlong
32) The witch of Kokoyashi Village! Arlong's right-hand woman
33) Usopp dies!? When will Luffy's landing be
34) Everyone gather! Usopp tells the truth about Nami
35) The hidden past! Female soldier bellemere
36) Live through! The bond between Nami and Mother, bellemere
37) Luffy Stands up! The resolution of the betrayed promise
38) Luffy in a bind! Mermen vs Luffy Pirate Fleet
39) Luffy sinks underwater! Zorro vs Hatchan the octopus
40) A proud warrior! Fierce battles for Sanji and Usopp
41) Luffy all-out! Nami's resolution and a straw hat
42) Lashing out! Merman Arlong's fierce attacks from the sea
43) The end of the merman empire! Nami is our comrade
44) The departure of smiles! Farewell Kokoyashi Village, my hometown
45) A bounty-head! Luffy the Straw Hat gets known to the world
46) Go after the straw hat! The big adventure of little Buggy
47) Sorry to keep you waiting! Ah, the revival of Captain Buggy
48) Landing upon Logue Town: The Town of the Beginning and the End
49) Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri! Zoro's new swords, and the Female Sargeant Major
50) Usopp -vs- A Daddy and his kid -- Midday Duel
51) A Cooking Battle of Fire!? Sanji -vs- A Beautiful Chef
52) Buggy's Revenge! The Man who Laughs on the Execution Stand
53) The Legend has Begun! Heading to the Grand Line
54) The Feeling of a New Adventure! A Mysterious Girl, Apis
55) A Creature of Miracle! The Secret of Apis and the Legendary Island
56) Eric on the Move! The Great Escape from Carrier Island
57) Lone Island on the Torrential Seas! Lost Island, Isle of Lore
58) Duel in the Ruins! Zoro -vs- Eric Under Pressure
59) Complete Barricade around Luffy! The Secret Plan of Commander Nelson
60) One that Flies through the Vast Skies! A Legend of the Millenium Revived
61) Ending of Anger! Get over the Red Line
62) The First Fortress? Laboon the Giant Whale Appears
63) Promises between men! Luffy and the Whale Swear for a Reunion
64) A Town that Welcomes Pirates? Landing on Whiskey Peak
65) The Three Swords Ignite! Zoro -vs- Baroque Works
66) A Serious Match! Luffy vs Zoro, the Mysterious Duel
67) Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirate Fleet Sets Sail
68) Go for It, Coby! Cobymeppo's Marine Battle Diary
69) The Decision of Cobymeppo! The Paternal Heart of Lieutenant-General Garp
70) The Bird of Ancient Times! The Shadow Hiding in Little Garden
71) A Huge Duel! Giants Dorry and Brogy
72) Luffy Angered! A Ruthless Trap to a Sacred Duel
73) Brogy's Flood of Victorious Tears! The Settlement between the Elbuff
74) Candle of Evil! Tears of Resignation, Tears of Anger
75) Magical Powers Assaulting Luffy! The Colors Trap
76) Now Is the time to Fight Back! Usopp's Creativity and Flame Star
77) Farewell, Island of Giants! Head for Alabasta
78) Nami is sick? Beyond the Snow Falling on the Ocean
79) An Ambush! The Briking, and Wapol the Tin-man
80) An Island with No Doctors? Adventure in the Nameless Country
81) Are You Happy? A Doctor Called a Witch
82) Dolton's Determination! Wapol's Army Lands on the Island
83) Island where Snow Lives! Climb the Drum-Rocky
84) The Reindeer Has a Blue Nose! Chopper's Secret
85) An Outlaw's Dream! Quack Doctor Hiruluk
86) Hiruluk's Cherries and the Will that Gets Passed On
87) VS Wapol's Army! The Powers of the Bak-Bak Fruit
88) An Animal-type Devil Fruit! Chopper's Seven Transformations
89) When the Kingdom's Rule Ends! The Flag of Determination Waves Forever
90) Hiruluk's Cherries! The Miracle on Drum Rocky
91) Farewell, Drum Island! I'm Heading Out to Sea
92) The Hero of Alabasta and the Ballerina on the Ship
93) Heading to the Kingdom of Sand! A Powder that Brings Rain and the Rebel Army
94) Reunion of the Powerful! His name is Ace the Fire Fist
95) Ace and Luffy! Passionate Feelings and the Bond between Brothers
96) Erumalu the Green Town, and the Kung Fu Jugon
97) Adventure in the Sand Country! A Monster Living in the Scorching Earth
98) A Pirate Fleet of the Sand Appears! Men Who Live Freely
99) The Pride of a Faker! Camus, Rebel of the Heart
100) Kohza, Warrior of the Rebel Army! The Dream He Swore to Vivi
101) Duel in the Waves of Heat! Ace vs Scorpion Man
102) Ancient Ruins and Lost Souls! Vivi, Friends, and the Shape of the Nation
103) Enemy Officers Gather at 8:00PM at Spiders Cafe
104) Luffy vs Vivi! Oath of Tears Riding on Friends
105) Alabasta Warfare! Rainbase, City of Dreams
106) Trap of Absolute Crisis! Rushing into Rain Dinners
107) Operation Eutopia Begins! The Rebels Begin Their Move
108) The Terrible Banana-Croc and Mr.Prince
109) The Key to a Reversal and Escape! Dle-dle Ball
110) Merciless Deathmatch! Luffy vs Crocodile
111) Dash towards a Miracle! Alabasta Animal Land
112) Rebel Army vs King's Army! The Final Showdown will be in Alubarna
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